We believe...
few personal injury lawyers in Southern Arizona are truly competent to appropriately handle a traumatic brain injury case.
We believe...
the quality of the lawyer makes a tremendous difference in these cases because of the enormous effort every case requires.
The costs required to properly present a traumatic brain injury case through trial may exceed well over $150,000. Your personal injury lawyer should be prepared to make such an investment in your case, in addition to the months of time spent on the case.
Your brain injury lawyer should have expertise in the field from familiarity with dozens of brain injury textbooks, and hundreds of medical research articles. A brain injury lawyer should have an understanding of the different demands of traumatic or acquired brain injury cases depending upon the nature of the injury, be it trauma, oxygen deprivation (hypoxia), or infection.
Your attorney should know the difference between the evidence required to prove a pediatric, adolescent or adult brain injury case. Your attorney should be highly experienced with the variety of clinical experts necessary to properly present a brain injury case and to cross-examine the defense experts on these subjects.
Your brain injury lawyer should have no difficulty answering the types of questions presented in our web page of 45 Sample Medical Questions. Your attorney should be able to explain the different roles and the significance of testimony from each of the many experts necessary to prove a brain injury case. More than a dozen experts (on each side) may typically be called in a given brain injury case.
We have the experience to handle all types of complex acquired and traumatic brain injury cases.
We would be pleased to explain to you how we put such a case together by:
- Evaluating the clinical evidence as to the initial acute injury assessments;
- Distilling and explaining the fundamentals of traumatic brain injury, including the critical importance of the mechanisms of injury;
- Retaining the experts from typically a dozen fields of medicine;
- Explaining the pediatric aspects of brain injury which is, in fact, a "developing disability" which presents special proof requirements;
- Identifying the necessary neuroimaging to prove a case, whether it was actually performed for clinical treatment purposes or not;
- Proving the fundamental functional disabilities presented by a brain injury, and, in particular, injury to the frontal cortex, including the frontal lobes, temporal lobes, corpus callosum, and amygdala;
- Explaining the benefits and limitations of the neuropsychological assessments;
- Explaining the benefits and limitations of the neurological assessments;
- Explaining the benefits and limitations of the psychiatric assessments;
- Assembling a team of experts who can predict the long-term prognosis for a patient, including the necessary presentation of the costs associated with future medical needs and economic losses;
- Proving the injury to other family members due to a loved one's brain injury, and the typical social ramifications of this loss; and
- Identifying the brain injury patient's options for potential recovery, as well as maintaining a safe and productive existence.
Free Consultation
The attorneys at McNamara Law Firm, PLLC are available for free consultations to discuss our ability to handle these cases, and to explain what would be involved in pursuing a brain injury case.